Cerec Connect Imaging

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
15 years ago

Awesome Buccal bite is so cool. Its been great using this with cases. I Did my first cerecconnect case posterior bridge imaging went well. I do see some areas that need improvement but all in all I think with a little bit of practice, it will be a great improvement to our workflow when restoring cases with Connect. Im looking forward to having it come in the regular software whenever Sirona implements it into the regular software. A couple of tips I noticed that made my buccal bite process a bit easier. I found that if you have an area in the prep in both prep and antagonist where you roll the camera enough to capture landmarks for stitching. The first time I did it, I had to go back to get some more images after I couldn't get the bite to 'snap' into place. I do think that with a bit more practice, this will be second nature as with anything in CEREC dentistry. I know other faculty have been testing buccal bite for a while and they have found it very easy to stitch. All in all I think its a great improvement to our software and it reinforces my decision to go with Sirona and CEREC as my cad cam of choice. Im looking forward to what else will be in the new software release in the coming months as the guys in bensheim burn the midnight oil.

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